around the web


It's very important that you clearly understand that the inclusion of any link from anywhere within the Moriel Ministries web site does not necessarily imply our endorsement of that ministry, resource, or organization featured regarding anything that it does or teaches.

The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is in alignment with biblical truth. It's our position that we can agree or disagree with you, you can agree or disagree with us, but only so far as it agrees or disagrees with God's Word.



Whilst recognizing the good fruit from these linked sites, we cannot vouch for their every belief. As with all things in this world, the onus is upon you to check out each site and to exercise spiritual discretion, testing everything (even us) against the Word of God.


Please don't hesitate to direct all inquiries or reports of broken links to us using our contact form.



ACT (Aplogetics Coordination Team)


Advocates For Faith and Freedom


African Inland Mission

Missionary Organization

All Of The Answers

James Regan

Alliance of Biblical Pentecostals

Gary Osbourne

American College of Pediatricians


American Congress For Truth

Brigette Gabriel

American Council for Kosovo


Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

John Ankerberg

Anti Council for American Islamic Relations


Apostasy Alert

Jackie Alnor

Apprising Ministries

Pasor Ken Silva

Arabs for Israel


Ariel Ministries

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Arise and Shine Ministries

David Berkowitz (Former Son of Sam)

Barnabas Fund


Battle 4 Truth


Berean Call

Dave Hunt


Blessed Cause - Exposing Islam


Bread Upon the Waters Ministry

William D. Brehm

By The Spirit Ministries


C-L Ministries

Chris and Lindy Hill

Calvary Ranch

Drug and Alcohol Recovery

Chosen People Ministries


Christian Ministerial Fellowship International


Christian Resources

William Webster

Christian Voice

UK Christian Broadcasting

Christian Witness Ministries

Philip L. Powell

Christian Witness to Israel


Christian Worldview Network


Christians United For Israel

Gary Bauer

Critical Issues Commentary

Bob DeWaay

Deception in the Church Ministries

Sandy Simpson

David Pawson Ministries

David Pawson Ministries

Discernment-Ministries Inc.

Jewel van de Merwe

Eastern Religion Watch


End Divestment Now


Evidence For God


Ex-Catholics for Christ


Fishers of Men


Gateway Fellowship (Truth Seekers)


Geert Wilders - Dutch Human Rights Activist Concerning Brutality of Fundamentalist Islam


God's Propery Radio


Get Smart-Get Out - Ex-COBU Cult Members


Good News for Catholics



Rupert Hanna

Hebrew Roots


Holyland Design - for your church, ministry and personal advertising

Tel Aviv, Israel

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)


Hope for Today

David Hocking

Chigwell Christian Fellowship

In Plain Site


In the Days


Islam: The Religion of Peace




Jews for Jesus


Jihad Watch


Just by Christ


Kjos Ministries


Koenig's International News

Bill Koenig

Large Blue Footballs


Let Us Reason Ministries

Mike Oppenheimer

Lewis and Lewis


Light for the Last Days

Tony Pearce

Lighthouse Trails Research Project


LogosWalk Word Journal


Manna Music

Helen Shapiro

MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute


Media Spotlight Ministries

Al Dagger

Messianic Testimony

Rev. Colin Leyshon

Midwest Christian Outreach


Olive Tree Ministries

Jan Markell

Operation Save America


Parent Power

Voice for Justice UK

Passion for Christ Movement


Polskie Spotkania


Pornography Harms


Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries

Mike Gendron

Prophecy Update Radio (KWBB)


Prophecy Update Radio Hosted by Bill Salus


Prophet of Doom - Islam's Terrorist Dogma


Resources for Evangelism


Salt Shakers


Santos Ministries



Shepherd of Hope

Claude T. Stauffer

Shofar Ministries

Bob Mitchell

Silver Trumpet Media

Mike Raley

Simon Wiesenthal Center


Spiritual Research Network

Christopher Lawson

Spiritual Research Network International

Chris Lawson

Stop The Islamization of America


Stop The Islamization of Europe


Take Heed Ministries

Cecil Andrews

The Christian Institute


The Free Press


The Love Revelation

Bill Walthall

The Rosh Pina Project


The Way Everlasting/


Time for Truth Ministries

Pastor Ray Bennet

Tower to Truth Ministries


Truth 4 Youth


Truth Proclamation

Jason Catizone



Understand the Times International

Roger Oakland

Vanguard Magazine

Siam Bhayro

Voice of the Martyrs


Voice of the Voiceless

Teerth Sond

Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat

Walk with the Word


Wall Watchers


Weltweit Unterwags

Alexander Seibel

William Tyndale Gallery




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